1. What is the processing time for shipping orders?

The shipping order service time of Mamirror.com is Monday-Friday/9:00 AM-7:00 PM (PST).

The processing time for shipping orders is 1-3 business days.

Order processing ends at 7:00 PM daily and orders placed after 7:00 PM will be prioritized starting at 9:00 AM the next business day.

Orders are not processed on weekends, your orders for Saturday and Sunday will be prioritized for processing starting at 9:00 AM the following Monday.

We apologize if it times out, you can contact us by email [email protected], thank you.

2. How long is the delivery date?

Our delivery date is 5-12 business days, of which orders will be processed within 1-3 business days and shipping time is 4-9 business days.

3. What are shipping time and freight?

We ship from 1707 Lake Dr, Cardiff, California, where your handheld makeup mirror will ship from after you place your order.

Shipping Country

Shipping Method

Estimated delivery time

Order Amount

Shipping Cost

United States

Standard Shipping

4-9 Business Days




Free Shipping

4. How to cancel the order?

After the order payment is successful, the user can check the order status in the account order details

You can cancel your order within 30 minutes of placing your order.

After 30 minutes, our orders will enter the packing process, once packed it is impossible to cancel the order, please understand our work, thank you.

5. Who is responsible for the sale tax and customs fees?

The sales tax is the responsibility of the customer and is not borne by the merchant, thank you for your understanding.

Selling within the continental United States can process orders, delivery and after-sales services more efficiently, ensuring that customers can quickly obtain a satisfactory shopping experience, so currently only orders in the continental United States are supported, so there is no customs fee.

6. Sign for receipt

(1) We hope that you sign for it yourself. If someone else signs for it, please ensure that your package will not be lost.

(2) Please check whether the package and handheld makeup mirror are intact before signing.

If the handheld makeup mirror is damaged or scratched, please reject it and promptly contact us by email [email protected], we will promptly arrange a replacement or refund for you, thank you.

7. Need help?

If you have more questions about shipping policy, please contact our customer service staff Evita Schiro via email [email protected], we will solve it for you as soon as possible within 1 business day, thank you.